Associations and Professional Groups
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP)
The California Naturopathic Doctors Association
The Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME)

Local Harvest:  a national guide to farmers markets, farms and CSA’s
Eat Well Guide:  a helpful guide to eating local, sustainable and organic foods
Weston Price Foundation:  an organization dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense, traditional foods to the human diet
Eat Wild:  great resource for local, grass-fed meat, eggs and dairy
Worlds Healthiest Foods:  helpful resource for healthy eating
Vital Choice:  healthy source for wild salmon and other seafood
Vitamin D council:  latest research on Vitamin D and its association to various illnesses

Gluten Free Resources
Celiac Disease and Gluten free diet:  resource for Celiac Disease and gluten sensitivity
The Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen:  a blog dedicated to providing healthy, wholesome, gluten-free recipes

Pesticide Guide:  useful guide to help you reduce your exposure to pesticides in fruits and vegetables
Cosmetics Safety Database:  helpful resource to help you minimize toxic exposures from cosmetics and other skin care products
Mercury levels in fish:  an easy calculator to help you make healthier seafood choices

Local Resources
Lazy Acres
Local Farmers Markets